By Dianne Sundstrom
During this past holiday season, when so many needed so much, I couldn’t believe the overwhelming generosity of friends and neighbors who signed up to help me support the Salvation Army’s “Adopt-a-Family” Christmas program.
It was a banner year! Donations exceeded $4,000, allowing us to adopt eight families, double last year. We bought toys, clothing, food, and gift cards for 12 adults and 14 children, ranging in age from 2-12 years.
It is fun to imagine the wonder and excitement those children felt finding gifts under the tree Christmas morning. My thanks to all of you who made that possible, and to those who shopped and wrapped, and to their children who participated in this effort! And a special thanks to Robert Bienenfeld, who helped with shopping, wrapping, budgeting, and delivering. I appreciate all of you.
Happy New Year! May 2021 be a better year… continue to stay safe and look for me to be in touch next November.